Real ALTUVIIO patient Brian
“Since starting ALTUVIIIO in August 2023, I’m happy to be on one product. The protection my infusion every Tuesday gives me, helps me stay active in the gym and do the things I love.”

Meet Brian

"I was never ashamed of my hemophilia. As I grew up, I got more involved in the community, and that helped me embrace hemophilia as part of my identity and put my experience into perspective. Now I think it’s something to be proud of, and there’s still such a need for advocacy. I’m living in Washington, DC, now working as a patient advocate. 

I was using factor mimetic treatment to see if it worked for me, but I had to supplement regularly with factor. When I learned about ALTUVIIIO, I was interested because I wanted to use a single product, and it needed to be factor. My doctor recommended that I try ALTUVIIIO because it could keep my factor levels higher for multiple days a week, and I might not need to supplement with a second product in case of breakthrough bleeding.

Because I wasn’t having any significant issues with my previous treatment, people would ask me, “Why switch?” I think it’s okay to feel like a treatment isn’t right for you and to speak up about your options to your doctor; I didn’t feel like my treatment regimen was the best fit for me based on my needs. 

Since starting ALTUVIIIO in August 2023, I’m happy to be on one product. Now, I infuse every Tuesday. My once-weekly infusion gives me the coverage I need to help me stay active in the gym and do the things I love, like walking around DC thrifting the perfect vintage T-shirt, or seeing my favorite artists perform—without having to worry about extra doses of factor. I haven’t had any spontaneous bleeds since switching to ALTUVIIIO. 

Living with hemophilia and working with the community has only deepened my passion for public health, and I was accepted to grad school to pursue a master’s degree in public health, focusing on health policy. At the end of the day, I want people to know that you are your own best advocate. Hemophilia is not a one-size-fits-all diagnosis, so you are the one most qualified to speak up about your needs!" 

Brian is a promotional speaker compensated by Sanofi. 

"I was never ashamed of my hemophilia. As I grew up, I got more involved in the community, and that helped me embrace hemophilia as part of my identity and put my experience into perspective. Now I think it’s something to be proud of, and there’s still such a need for advocacy. I’m living in Washington, DC, now working as a patient advocate. 

I was using factor mimetic treatment to see if it worked for me, but I had to supplement regularly with factor. When I learned about ALTUVIIIO, I was interested because I wanted to use a single product, and it needed to be factor. My doctor recommended that I try ALTUVIIIO because it could keep my factor levels higher for multiple days a week, and I might not need to supplement with a second product in case of breakthrough bleeding.

Because I wasn’t having any significant issues with my previous treatment, people would ask me, “Why switch?” I think it’s okay to feel like a treatment isn’t right for you and to speak up about your options to your doctor; I didn’t feel like my treatment regimen was the best fit for me based on my needs. 

Since starting ALTUVIIIO in August 2023, I’m happy to be on one product. Now, I infuse every Tuesday. My once-weekly infusion gives me the coverage I need to help me stay active in the gym and do the things I love, like walking around DC thrifting the perfect vintage T-shirt, or seeing my favorite artists perform—without having to worry about extra doses of factor. I haven’t had any spontaneous bleeds since switching to ALTUVIIIO. 

Living with hemophilia and working with the community has only deepened my passion for public health, and I was accepted to grad school to pursue a master’s degree in public health, focusing on health policy. At the end of the day, I want people to know that you are your own best advocate. Hemophilia is not a one-size-fits-all diagnosis, so you are the one most qualified to speak up about your needs!" 

Brian is a promotional speaker compensated by Sanofi. 

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Natalie and Samuel
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Are you currently on ALTUVIIIO? Do you want to share your experience with others? This program may be perfect for you.